Sunday, April 30, 2017


Curiosity is such is funny thing. I never know where it will lead me. I got a bit nostalgic recently about the blue Duncan Imperial Yo-Yo I had as a kid. I really enjoyed it, although I was never that into complex tricks. I just loved the motion of it, which I found kind of meditative. My local Toys R Us has a Yo-Yo section, so I went over one night about a month ago and picked up a new blue Imperial. I guess Yo-Yos are kind of like riding a bike, and it was a blast to rediscover. I even picked up a 1950s-style wood model on-line and a modern one that's great for some tricks. I then checked out current Yo-Yo competition videos on Youtube. Man, those people are really serious about it these days! In contrast, it's pretty charming to go back to this 1978 doc about the history and science of Yo-Yos. I've also included a video about the world's most incredible Yo-Yo collection- totally awesome! If you are interested in Yo-Yos, I suggest these websites: Yo-Yo tricks, Yo-Yo Play. Enjoy!

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